crashed drone csc

Let us press. Let us hold. Let Us Drone. CSC stands for Combination Stick Command and it refers to the method of starting and stopping the motors on a drone. You may have heard horror stories about CSC, and this typically stems from people who accidentally executed a CSC while in mid-flight.

In this post, I will discuss when a CSC should be performed, and how to avoid accidentally shutting off your motors in midair, as catching your free-falling drone is the last thing you want to do on a Saturday morning.

CSC to start the motors

There is one thing you absolutely must do every time you launch your drone. Can you guess what that is? If you guessed “start the motors”, then you get a gold sticker.

Although there seems to be a certain amount of fear surrounding acronym CSC, you actually perform a CSC (Combination Stick Command) every time you start the motors.

The dreaded CSC that people fear is the one where the motors shut off while in flight, and we will talk about that later in this post.

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There are two Combination Stick Commands to start the motors on every DJI drone:

  1. You can either press both sticks down and in and hold until the motors start, or
  2. Press both sticks down and out until the motors start.
csc to start motors

See, not so scary, right? So that is the Combination Stick Command to start the motors, but how do we stop them once the drone has landed safely?

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CSC to stop the motors once landed

Once landed, there are two different Combination Stick Commands that you can use to stop the motors from spinning.

  1. Push and hold the left stick down and the motors will stop spinning after 3 seconds.
  2. You can use the same method you used to start the motors to also stop them. Either press both sticks down and in, or down and out, and the motors will stop immediately.
CSC to stop motors

So now that we have gone over the Combination Stick Commands that you use every time you fly your drone, let's talk about the Combination Stick Command that has downed many an unsuspecting pilots drone.

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CSC to stop the motors in mid-flight

On most of DJI drones, the Combination Stick Command for starting the motors is the same CSC used for stopping the motors while in flight. So by pressing the sticks down and in, or down and out while the drone is in the air will cause the motors to shut off and the drone will free-fall to its death.

There have been firmware updates along the way that have changed the way some of DJI's drones execute a midair CSC, as to minimize the chances of accidentally performing a Combination Stick Command.

Furthermore, DJI has allowed some drone owners to completely disable the CSC for the duration that the drone is in the air. This option may be appealing for some people.

Later in this post, I will get more into firmware updates and how to find out if your drone model will allow you to disable the in-flight CSC.

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Why would you want to stop the motors in mid-flight?

You may be wondering why on earth you would want to shut off the motors while in mid-flight, as this will all most certainly cause irreparable damage  to the drone.

Here are some instances where it would be wise to perform a CSC while in mid-flight to prevent further damage to surrounding structures or people.

  • If the drone is heading towards people and you are unable you control it for whatever reason.
  • If the drone is ascending rapidly on its own while not under your command.
  • If the drone collides with a tree or something and you need to stop the motors to prevent further damage.
  • If the drone is out of control and you don't have command of it.

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What to consider if you have to perform a mid-flight CSC

If you have found yourself in one of the unfortunate scenarios listed above and you deem that a CSC maneuver is absolutely necessary while in-flight, wait just one second.

When panicking, we don't often think things through. Before instantly shutting the motors off, take a second to think about where your drone will fall. Are there people beneath the drone? Is there a lake beneath the drone that could be avoided if you wait for another ten seconds? Shutting the motors off before first looking beneath the drone could have serious consequences.

Drones often receive a bad wrap from the public, and a Mavic Pro landing on the head of Tom will certainly not help Tom's perception of us drone pilots.

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Now that you have learned how and why you may want to perform a CSC while in flight to stop the motors, let's talk about some of the controversy surrounding the methods used to perform a CSC.

Controversy over CSC

DJI felt strongly enough about having a CSC to stop the motors while in flight to add it as a fail-safe, but does its importance warrant its initiation methods?

What I mean is that there have been so many people that have crashed their drones because they have unintentionally executed a CSC while in flight. Since all it takes to perform a CSC is a couple of simultaneous stick movements, the chances of those stick movements occurring simultaneously are not that low.

You don't have to look long on YouTube to find videos of people accidentally performing a CSC and their drone suddenly drops from the sky.

If you have been flying DJI drones for a while now, then you probably are familiar with CSC, but the newbie is liable to press the sticks in every which direction while getting familiar with the drone, which is usually what causes the Combination Stick Command to be accidentally activated.

It looks like DJI watched those same YouTube videos because they have changed the methods for initiating a CSC while in flight for some of their drones to prevent unintentional CSC executions.

With all of this being said, it does require you to hold the sticks in the same position for 3 seconds for the motors to be stopped while in air. The average individual is not likely going to unintentionally hold the sticks in that configuration for that length of time, so I wouldn't be too worried about an accidental CSC happening.

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Firmware updates have changed CSC maneuvers

As mentioned above, DJI has changed the way to initiate a CSC on some of their drones. Currently, for the Phantom series, you need to press the left stick down and in while pressing the Return-to-Home button with your right hand.

This new method of stopping the motors while in flight makes it's a lot less likely for someone to accidentally perform a CSC.

There have been the firmware updates that have changed the way to perform a CSC. I would recommend regularly checking updates so you can stay informed with changes such as how to stop the motors while in flight on your particular drone model.

In fact, some drones allow you to disable the CSC while in the air. If you are curious as to whether your drone allows you to disable the CSC, go to settings>main controller settings>advanced settings>”do not stop motors in the air”.

do not stop in the air csc

Let's review

  • CSC stands for Combination Stick Command.
  • You perform a CSC every time you start the motors before launching and when you stop the motors after landing.
  • DJI allows us to turn off the motors while in-flight by performing a CSC in the event of an emergency (drone out of control, after it has crashed to prevent further damage, etc).
  • There has been a certain amount of fear surrounding “CSC” in the DJI community because of the accidental drone free-falls that have happened.
  • It takes the operator holding the sticks in the same position for three seconds for a CSC maneuver to be executed.
  • DJI has changed the way a CSC is executed on some of their drones with recent firmware updates.
  • DJI has given us the option to disable the in-flight CSC maneuver on some of their drones.
  • If you are going to perform a CSC while in-flight in the event of an emergency, ensure that there are no people, water, or other things you don't want your drone to drop like a rock on.

Trevor’s Take

You should now have a better understanding of what a combination stick command is, when and how to perform a combination stick command, and what mistakes to avoid that could lead to a free-falling drone. I, fortunately, have never accidentally executed a CSC while in-flight and I will certainly be kicking myself if I one day do since I just wrote a post on how to use Combination Stick Commands correctly. Have you ever accidentally performed a CSC while in flight? What's your story? Let's hear about it in the comment section below!

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